100% Dutch Wool

Because we believe that sustainable processing and production of wool in the Netherlands is possible Plectere has teamed up with The Knitwit Stable. They collect the Dutch wool we need for our felt. Plectere is therefore now also available in 100% Dutch wool. Our approach is clear with the shortest possible chain, in which a fair price applies to everyone.

Plectere has teamed up with The Knitwit Stable to change that. Their ambition is to maintain the use of local wool within the national borders and to bring the entire chain back to the Netherlands on a professional scale. That is why The Knitwit Stable collects the Dutch wool needed for the felt of the Plectere elements. The Kempisch-heide sheep are shorn, the wool is sorted and twigs, hay, manure and other dirt is removed, so that only the usable wool remains. Because there is no wool processing industry in the Netherlands, Studio Petra Vonk has the wool washed in Belgium and felted in Italy. Back in the workshop in Amsterdam, the felt is braided by hand into the Plectere panels.


Acoustic variations with wool felt